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The Ultimate Guide to Growing Potatoes in Colorado


Colorado may be known for its rocky mountains and outdoor adventures. But it is also a prime location for growing potatoes. We will explore the best practices for growing potatoes in Colorado.

Understanding Colorado's Climate and Soil

Colorado's Climate

Can you grow potatoes in Colorado? Colorado is known for its diverse and extreme weather conditions. These can greatly impact the growth of potatoes. The state experiences four distinct seasons with hot summers and cold winters.

During the summer months, Colorado receives plenty of sunshine and low humidity levels. This creates ideal conditions for potato growth. However, the high elevation also means less oxygen in the air. This can affect plant growth.

Additionally, sudden temperature changes and strong winds can pose challenges for potato farmers. So choose the right variety of potatoes that can withstand these conditions.

Different Soil Types in Colorado

Colorado's diverse topography and varying altitudes result in a range of soil types found throughout the state. The most common types include sandy, clay, loam, and rocky soils.

Sandy soil is prevalent in the plains and mountain regions of Colorado. It is well-draining, allowing for proper aeration for potato roots. But it may require frequent irrigation to retain moisture. Clay soil is dense and heavy, making it challenging for water and air to penetrate. It also tends to compact quickly. This can impede root growth and lead to poor yields.

Loam soil is a balanced combination of sand, silt, and clay particles and is considered the best type for potato cultivation. It provides adequate drainage while retaining enough moisture and nutrients for plant growth.

Rocky soil is found in mountainous areas. It contains a high percentage of rocks and gravel. Rocky soil may not be suitable for large-scale potato cultivation. But you can still use it for small home gardens with proper amendments and soil preparation.

Soil Preparation and Necessary Amendments

Regardless of the type of soil, proper preparation is essential for successful planting potatoes Colorado. It involves testing the soil pH and nutrient levels. You can determine if any amendments are needed. Adding organic matter can improve soil structure, increase water retention, and provide essential nutrients for plant growth.

For sandy soils, adding clay or silt can increase its water and nutrients hold capacity. Adding sand to clay soil can improve drainage and prevent waterlogging. For loam soils, regular additions of organic matter can help maintain its optimal structure.

Apart from amendments, tilling or turning over the soil before growing potatoes in Colorado. It is crucial for breaking up compacted areas and reducing weed growth. This process also allows for better root penetration and air circulation in the soil.

growing potatoes in colorado

Selecting the Best Potato Varieties for Colorado

High-Altitude Adapted Varieties

Consider their ability to thrive at high altitude when selecting the best potatoes to grow in Colorado. Some of the popular high-altitude adapted potato varieties recommended for Colorado include:

Rio Grande Russet: This variety is known for its high yield, disease resistance, and adaptability to a wide range of growing conditions. It has a long oval shape with light to medium russeted skin and white flesh.

Russet Norkotah: It is well-suited for Colorado's high altitude conditions. It has a long oval shape with light to medium russeted skin and white flesh. Russet Norkotah is known for its high yield and resistance to diseases. For example, late blight, common scab, and potato virus.

Purple Majesty: This unique purple-skinned potato variety is known for its high nutritional value and resistance to cold temperatures. It has a long oval shape with deep purple skin and dark purple flesh.

Early, Mid, and Late-Season Varieties

Consider the maturity of potato varieties when selecting them for Colorado's climate. Due to the short growing season in this state, choose a mix of early, mid, and late-season varieties to ensure a continuous harvest. Some popular varieties for each category include:

Early Season: Norland, Yukon Gem, Irish Cobbler.

Mid-Season: Caribe, Red Gold, Dark Red Norland.

Late-Season: Russet Burbank, Bannock Russet, Umatilla Russet.

Disease-Resistant and Frost-Tolerant Varieties

Colorado's high altitude and dry climate make it prone to certain diseases and frost during the growing season. To combat these challenges, you should select disease-resistant and frost-tolerant potato varieties for a successful harvest. Some recommended varieties for Colorado include:

Disease-Resistant: Russet Norkotah, Red La Soda, Bannock Russet.

Frost-Tolerant: Purple Majesty, Yukon Gold, Sangre.

How to Grow Potatoes in Colorado?

Preparing Seed Potatoes for Planting

The first step in growing potatoes in Colorado is to prepare the seed potatoes. It is important to select high-quality seed potatoes from a reputable source. Look for certified disease-free seed potatoes that are free of any cuts, bruises, or sprouts.

Cut them into smaller pieces, with at least two eyes per piece. This will increase the chances of sprouting and producing multiple plants. After cutting, cure the seed potatoes by leaving them in a dry place for 1-2 days. This will allow the cut surfaces to dry and form calluses.

When to Plant Potatoes in Colorado?

You can plant potatoes a few weeks before the last frost, in mid to late April. The plants will have enough time to grow before the hot summer sets in.

How to Plant Potatoes in Colorado?

When planting potatoes in Colorado, use a technique called "hilling". You can create mounds of soil and plant the seed potatoes on top. This allows for better drainage and aeration. Plant the seed potatoes about 4-6 inches deep, with the cut side facing down. Growing potatoes in containers in Colorado is also available.

Essential Care Practices for Successful Growth

Water your plants regularly but avoid over-watering. Mulching is also important, especially in Colorado's arid climate. It helps retain soil moisture and suppress weeds. Additionally, fertilizing your plants with a balanced fertilizer every 3-4 weeks will provide them with necessary nutrients for healthy growth.

Common Pests and Diseases in Colorado

One common pest in Colorado is the potato beetle. It can quickly defoliate plants if not controlled. To prevent this, regular monitoring and handpicking of the beetles are recommended.

Another common issue is fungal diseases. For example, early blight and late blight. They thrive in Colorado's cool and moist conditions. To prevent these diseases, it is crucial to practice good cultural practices. For example, crop rotation, removing infected plants, and using disease-resistant potato varieties.

growing potatoes in containers

Harvesting and Storing Potatoes

When to Harvest Potatoes in Colorado?

Potatoes are typically ready for harvest from July or August in Colorado. However, the exact timing can vary depending on weather conditions and potato variety. When the plant tops start to die back and turn yellow, it is a sign that the tubers have reached maturity.

Another indicator is the skin of the potato. The skin becomes thicker and more durable when they mature. Don't leave potatoes in the ground for too long. Because they can become overripe, reducing their quality and yield.

Techniques for Harvesting Potatoes and Post-Harvest Handling

For small-scale production, hand harvesting is the most common method. This involves digging up the potatoes manually using a shovel or fork. Take care to avoid damaging the tubers during this process.

You can use potato harvesters for large-scale production. These machines dig and separate the potatoes from the soil. This makes harvesting faster and more efficient.

After harvesting, handle the potatoes properly to minimize damage and ensure their quality. Remove any excess dirt, separating any damaged or diseased potatoes. Store them in a cool, dark place until they can be processed or consumed.

Proper Storage Methods

Keep the temperature of 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity level is 90-95%. Ensure good ventilation to prevent the build-up of excess moisture.

If a root cellar or basement is not available, you can also store potatoes in cool and dark areas. For example, a garage or closet. Avoid storing them near any sources of heat. This can cause them to sprout prematurely.

Storing potatoes in breathable containers can also help regulate moisture levels. For example, burlap bags or cardboard boxes. These materials allow for air circulation, preventing the potatoes from becoming too moist and potentially developing mold.

When storing potatoes, regularly check for any signs of spoilage or disease. Any damaged or diseased potatoes should be removed immediately. This prevents them from spreading to other stored potatoes.


After exploring the different aspects of growing potatoes in Colorado, it is clear that this state offers great potential for potato farming. With its ideal climate and soil conditions, coupled with the increasing demand for local produce, Colorado presents a lucrative opportunity for farmers.

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