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A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Garlic in Georgia


Can you grow garlic in Georgia? Garlic is a culinary and medicinal powerhouse. The Georgia climate is perfect for growing garlic. We will cover everything from how and when to plant garlic in Georgia.

Preparing for Planting Garlic in Georgia

Selecting High-quality Garlic Bulbs

You should select the best garlic to grow in Georgia. Make sure the garlic is firm and has tight skin. Avoid any garlic that is soft, wrinkled, or blemished. High-quality garlic bulbs also need to be healthy and free of disease. You should purchase garlic from a local grower or farmer’s market.

Preparing the Soil for Planting Garlic

When preparing a garlic bed, your soil should have adequate drainage. To test this, fill a container with a handful of soil. Water it until fully saturated. Any excess water should drain away within 10 minutes or so. Make sure your soil has the right texture and pH levels.

Sandy loam is the ideal soil type for garlic. But clay or silt can also work. In terms of pH levels, aim for a soil that is between 6.5 and 7.0. You should amend your soil with organic matter. For example, well-rotted manure, compost, or peat moss. This can improve soil structure and fertility.

When to Plant Garlic in Georgia?

When Do You Plant Garlic in Georgia?

The best time to plant garlic in Georgia is late September through November. The garlic will have enough time to mature properly. You should use well-drained soil rich in organic matter. You can add fertilizers and compost before planting.

Choosing the Right Planting Site

Garlic needs plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil. The ideal location will have at least six hours of direct sunlight every day. It also helps to choose an area with loose soil and few weeds.

How to Grow Garlic in Georgia?

Breaking Apart Garlic Bulbs

The garlic bulb is made up of several cloves. You need to separate them and plant them individually. Take off any loose papery layers of skin on the outside of the bulb. Break apart a garlic bulb into individual cloves. Gently press down on the bulb with your fingers until it splits apart.

Planting Depth and Spacing

You should plant garlic cloves about 2 inches deep. Spaced out between 6-8 inches apart from one another. The exact spacing may vary depending on the type of garlic you are planting. For example, elephant garlic needs more space between each clove than normal garlic does.

How to plant garlic in Georgia?

When preparing to plant, you should loosen the soil. Remove any weeds or other foreign objects in the area. You need to properly position them once the cloves are on the ground. Make sure the pointed end of each clove is oriented upwards and facing outwards. The garlic will grow upward when it germinates and has plenty of space to expand.

growing garlic in georgia

Nurturing and Growth

Mulching for Winter Protection

Mulching is critical for protecting your garlic crop during the winter months. This protects the plants from extreme temperatures, frost damage and other cold-weather threats.

Mulching can also help suppress weed growth. They can compete with your garlic for resources. A thick layer of organic mulch is best for winter protection. For example, straw, wood chips, or shredded leaves. You should apply it in early fall when the ground begins to cool off.

Adequate Water and Irrigation

They need about 1 inch of water a week during the growing season (from April through mid-August). This ensures it reaches full potential. Drip irrigation or soaker hoses are the best way to conserve water. They also reduce evaporation while watering your crop.

Fertilization and Schedules

Fertilizing your garlic crop can ensure its growth and health throughout the season. Organic fertilizers are best for garlic. For example, compost, manure or fish emulsion. Feed your garlic every two months throughout the season. If you’re using a liquid fertilizer, water it into the soil after application for maximum absorption by the plants.

Managing Pests and Diseases

Common Pests and Diseases

The common pests are root-knot nematodes, thrips, onion maggots, cutworms, flea beetles, wireworms, aphids, slugs and snails. Common diseases include onion smut, purple blotch, downy mildew, fusarium basal rot and garlic rust.

Natural and Organic Methods to Control Pests

You can control pests through companion planting. This involves planting certain plants that naturally repel pests. You can also attract beneficial insects. They can keep pest populations in check. Some popular companion plants for garlic are marigolds, dill and nasturtiums.

Mulching around your garlic plants can also prevent pests from accessing the roots. Try using wood chips or straw to mulch around the garlic plants. They will control weeds and act as a barrier against some pests.

Early Detection and Intervention

Regular inspection of your plants. Ensure pest infestation is identified and dealt with as soon as possible. Pay attention to any signs of damage that may indicate an attack from pests. For example, wilting or discoloration of leaves. Once you suspect an infestation, act quickly to control the population before it spreads too far.

Take preventative action by regularly treating your garlic crop with an organic insecticide. This will protect against any new pests. Rotating crops and using traps can reduce pest populations in the long run.

Seasonal Care for Growing Garlic in Georgia

Growth Stages of Garlic

In Georgia, garlic will grow through three distinct stages in the fall, winter, and spring. In mid-to late-September, you should plant cloves about two inches deep and four to six inches apart. The plants will form a rosette with several dark green leaves. They are broad at the base and taper to a point at the tip. The plants will enter a dormant stage when temperatures drop below 40F. The leaves will turn yellow.

In early spring (late February to early March), garlic will begin to grow again. The plants enter vegetative growth stage when temperatures rise and daylight increases. You should remove any weeds around your garlic plants during this time. Ensure they receive sufficient water for optimal growth. By late spring (April-May), the garlic will start forming small bulbs and eventually it’s time to harvest your garlic crop.

Adjustments for Seasonal Changes in Georgia

When temperatures drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit in winter, mulch your garlic plants with straw or pine needles. This protects them from the colder temperatures. In early spring, you should start fertilizing your garlic plants once per month. You can use a balanced fertilizer if you are planting garlic in containers in Georgia. For example, 10-10-10.

How to Remove Garlic Scapes?

Garlic scapes are the flower stalks that form on the plant in mid-summer. They are delicious dishes. But you should remove them to ensure all energy focuses on bulb growth. To remove the garlic scapes, simply snip them off with sharp pruners or scissors. You should do this as soon as the scapes are noticeable.

Harvesting and Curing Garlic

When to Harvest Garlic in Georgia?

To determine when to harvest, you should inspect both the stems and the leaves. When one-third to half of a plant’s foliage has begun to die off, it’s time to harvest. Additionally, you should check the stems for rigidity before harvesting. Because flimsy stems indicate that garlic is immature and not yet ready for harvest.

How to Properly Dig Up Garlic Bulbs?

To properly dig up the bulbs, first mark out the planting rows. Then, use a garden fork or spade to dig up the bulbs. Beginning in one corner of the bed and working your way across. When digging up the garlic, be careful not to damage any of the bulbs.

Curing Process

Curing is an essential process to prepare garlic for long-term storage. The first step in curing is drying the garlic. Hang the bulbs in a cool, dark place with good air circulation for approximately two weeks.

If you’d like to speed up the process, you can spread them out on a screen or drying rack for five to seven days instead. After this period of time, move them into an area with low humidity and 70°F temperatures. Finally, store your cured garlic in mesh bags or a well-ventilated basket.

After drying, store your garlic in a cool area away from direct sunlight. Choose a location with 55 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. You can also store garlic in mesh bags, cardboard boxes or paper sacks. This keeps the air circulating and prevents molding. With proper curing and storing techniques, your garlic bulbs will last for up to eight months.


You will harvest your own tasty crop of fresh garlic with proper care and maintenance. So start growing garlic in Georgia today and share your experiences with others.

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